Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Peter gets packed!

Peter is ready to leave. In he goes!

We added some leaflets about Orkney, including one about puffins.

In go our letters!
How long will his journey to Australia take?
Bye Peter! Good luck!
Enjoy the sunshine!

Friday, 11 December 2009

Sounds around our School

This term the topic in Class 2 has been Sound. They have been collecting sounds around our school. Can you tell what they are?

Look at the slide show to help match sounds to activities.

Does our link school in Australia have the same sounds around their school?

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Peter Puffin prepares to leave.

Before Peter Puffin sets off for Australia he is helping the Class 2 children with their writing. Each letter will be put in the parcel with Peter and sent off to Australia

Will he help the children at Old Orchard Primary School to write replies?

We hope so!