Tuesday 22 June 2010

Mock Wedding
On Thursday 10th June Primary 2 went to the Cathedral to perform a mock wedding. We have been learning all about weddings as part of our RME work this term.

We picked names out of a hat to decide who was going to play the different roles in the service.

Here is the Father of the Bride and the Bride ready to go down the aisle.

Our Minister did a super job of the service!

Everyone enjoyed taking part in the mock wedding service and found out a lot of new information about weddings.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Gumleaf arrives at Glaitness

We were all very excited to arrive back at school after our Easter holidays to discover a parcel addressed to us. It had come all the way from Australia and contained a very cute and cuddly koala named Gumleaf who is going to be staying with us for the term. He had brought some lovely gifts with him and also some letters from the boys and girls in Australia. We can't wait to each get the opportunity to take him home with us for a night. Keep watching for updates on his adventures.

Sunday 21 March 2010


Hello and thank you for your questions.We are looking forward to answering them. Peter is off home to one of our Jamie's house today. He is enjoying the warm weather and the start of our Footy season. We had Ride to School Day last Wednesday.It was also St Patrick's Day and we made green jelly.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Our questions for Australia

We have written some questions to send to the children in Australia because we want to find out about their wild animals.
Do you have any frogs in Australia?
Do you have any lions?
Do you have any horses?
Do you have any puffins?
Do you have any parrots?
Have you found any lizards yet?
Have you any spotty animals?
Do you like Peter the puffin?
What did you do with Peter the puffin?
What animals do you have?
What do th eanimals eat in Australia?
Have you seen any wolves?
Are there any monkeys?
What types of animals do you have?
What kind of animals are there in Australia?
What is the wildest animal?
Do you have wolves?
Do you have lions?
What do they eat?
What do the animals do?
Where do they sleep?

Keep checking our blog to find out the answers to these exciting questions!

Our book about animals

Do you remember we sent some things to our link school in Australia?

We wrote letters.

Along with Peter we sent some information about Orkney.

Now we have made a book about farm animals to send to them.

We made a page about ducks.

Here is our page about horses.

Another page, about hens.

This is the page about sheep.

We made a page about goats too.

This is the page about cows.

Do you think they have the same farm animals in Australia?
We will find out about what wild animals they have there next term.
Please leave a comment and tell us what you think!

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Peter meets some Australian toys and visits a monument to John Batman.

Greetings from Old Orchard

Peter the Puffin enjoyed shopping at the Queen Victoria Market in Melbourne